Series “Bags”
Video installation
Video projector, video player, videotape, 10 paper bags, epoxy resin, wood, acrylic paint
Ten bags, stacked with their opening pointing facing forward, form a free-standing sculpture. The flicker of a television picture is projected onto the front, and the image of the abstract television picture extends into the open insides of the bags.
1998, prêt à porter, Grita Insam Gallery, Vienna (AT)
1997, Ruth Schnell, Galerie Lisi Hämmerle, Bregenz (AT)
2021/2022, OBJETS PERDUS. Things of greater significance, Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck (AUT)
Aigner, Carl: Videoinstallationen. Publiziert in: EIKON 21/22, 1997