Traumliege, 1987
[ Dream bed, 1987 ]

Video sculpture
Metal object, built-in monitor, video player, videotape, metal vase, roses

In co-production with Gudrun Bielz

INSTANT body, INSTANT coitus, INSTANT dreams

The fast-paced images are freeze-dried, the fast-paced dreams static, the people coded, the codes interchangeable.

Porn is the dream of de-sensualized sexuality, the imagination of the eternally available, the dream of the mechanics of the act, a man'´s dream of being a pleasurable voyeur of a constantly repeatable action – the bodies become symbols that function mechanically – interchangeable as the ambience: the palm tree, the rose wallpaper, the art on the wall.

From: Ruth Schnell/Gudrun Bielz. Traumliege. Published in: Eva & Co, Issue 18, 1987

icon camera Images

Single Image

1988, Der pornographische Blick, Künstlerhaus Salzburg, Salzburg (AT)
1987, Junge Szene Wien, Secession, Wien (AT)


Eva & Co, Heft 18, Graz 1987
Künstlerhaus Salzburg (Hg.): Der pornografische Blick, Ausstellungskatalog, Salzburg 1988
Schnell, Ruth: On the occasion of La Biennale di Venezia 1995, Wien 1995
Galleria La Giarina (Hg.): Shape your Body, Katalog, Verona 1994
Wiener Secession (Hg.): Junge Szene Wien ´87, Ausstellungskatalog, Wien 1987