Video sculpture
Monitor, rubber expander, steel spirals, video player, video
In co-production with Gudrun Bielz
A monitor is hung up with rubber bands and steel spirals, and thus installed as a punching ball in the exhibition space.
A video shows the world globe seen from the orbit. The globe rotates and passes through a process of resolution and restoration as a loop. When the viewer hits the punching ball, the dynamics of the image create the illusion that the impact changes the image/the world globe. In fact, it only changes the direction of movement of the case in respect to the monitor.
1992, Identität Differenz - Tribüne Trigon, Neue Galerie Joanneum, Graz (AT)
1992, Der entfesselte Blick [The unleashed gaze], Seedamm arts centre, Pfäffikon (CH)
1991, 4th International Video Biennale, Fukui Plaza, Art Museum, Fukui (JP)
1991, Take Over III, Fabian Carlsson Gallery, London (GB)
1990, Aperto, 44th Biennale di Venezia, Venice (IT)
1989, 60 Tage Österreichisches Museum des 21. Jahrhunderts, University of Applied Arts, Vienna (AT)
1989, Im Netz der Systeme. Ars Electronica ´89, Brucknerhaus, Linz (AT)
Eva & Co, Heft 18, Graz 1987